Marbella is all about outdoor elegance, a perfect addition to any space. ๐Ÿšฟ This handcrafted outdoor shower was our first creation, and now, it graces outdoor areas across the globe, bringing a touch of Istrian elegance to gardens and patios worldwide.

Made with natural Kanfanar stone or Marazzi ceramics, the Marbella shower serves as a symbolic tribute to nature. It seamlessly blends in with the landscape, becoming an integral part of it and ages gracefully along with natureโ€™s transformative journey. ๐ŸŒฟ

โ€œCreated for your most special momentsโ€ฆ
…our products are carefully designed and developed to the smallest detail to ensure high quality and a pleasant feelingโ€ฆโ€

Another fantastic project supplied with KORTA outdoor showers.

Korta showers are not only reserved for sea destinations, but also for mountain areas where we can enjoy!

Our products are carefully designed and developed to the smallest detail to ensure high quality and a pleasant feeling

Project location: Plitviฤka jezera ๐Ÿ“
Client: Private VIP client

Odino je perjanica KORTA kolekcije, koju karakteriziraju jednostavnost i ฤiste linije; monumentalnog dizajna, ali elegantan i iznimno fotogeniฤan. Idealan za luksuzne nekretnine s pogledom u beskonaฤna prostranstva.

Marbella je samostojeฤ‡i vanjski tuลก, koji se odlikuje urednim linijama; minimalistiฤki u dizajnerskom izriฤaju i bezvremenski elegantan kao element vanjskog prostora. Idealno za bazenske plaลพe i vanjske kupaonice.

Ruฤno izraฤ‘en od prirodnog kamena, (dostupan u dvije/tri verzije zavrลกne obrade), simboliฤno sluลพi kao spomenik prirodi. Uklapa se u krajolik, postaje njegov sastavni dio i graciozno stari na vjeฤnom transformacijskom putu prirode.

Find the Korta shower in the picture?

Our showers are perfect for your outdoor oases! Showers are decorated with elegance and inconspicuousness. Art lovers often think that these are artistic installations, which makes us happy because we know that we have combined functionality and beautiful design.